90 90 1 rule

Achieve More in Less Time: The 90-90-1 Rule by Robin Sharma

Setting goals is super important for growing in your personal and professional life. Goals act like a map, showing you where to go and why. They’re like a plan to make your dreams come true. And here’s something cool: the 90-90-1 Rule, introduced by renowned leadership expert Robin Sharma, is a special way to achieve your goals.

This rule is like a recipe for success. It helps you set goals in a clear way and, most importantly, shows you how to actually reach them. It’s a simple trick but works really well. It’s all about doing things regularly, staying focused, and taking small steps forward.

So, let’s dive in and learn more about the 90-90-1 Rule and how it can help you make your dreams come true!

What is the 90-90-1 Rule

At its core, the 90-90-1 Rule is a blueprint for personal transformation and achievement. It advocates dedicating the first 90 minutes of your day, for the next 90 days, to a single, meaningful task—the One Thing that will propel you towards your goals.

90 90 1 rule robin sharma

Let’s break it down into its core components:

Spend 90 Minutes a Day:

Dedicate the first 90 minutes of your day to working on a specific goal. This focused time allows for deep engagement and concentration, leading to substantial progress. But why 90 minutes? This specific timeframe is rooted in the concept of ultradian rhythms, which are natural cycles that our bodies go through in a day. Research has shown that the human brain operates in distinct cycles of high focus and productivity followed by periods of lower alertness. These cycles typically last around 90 minutes1. By aligning your work sessions with these natural rhythms, you tap into your brain’s optimal state for concentrated effort.

For 90 Days Straight:

Consistency is key. Strive to maintain the 90-minute daily commitment for 90 consecutive days. This extended period solidifies habits, overcomes obstacles, and cultivates discipline. Contrary to the popular belief that it takes 21 days to form a habit, recent research has indicated that the process is more complex and can vary widely depending on the individual and the behavior in question. A study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that, on average, it takes around 66 days for a new behavior to become a habit. The 90-day timeframe of the rule not only provides ample time to solidify your commitment but also ensures that you embed the desired behavior into your daily routine.

On Your Top Priority Task:

During those 90 minutes, concentrate solely on your top priority task related to your goal. The 90-90-1 Rule leverages this idea by encouraging you to identify the one task that would contribute the most to the advancement of your goal and dedicating your focused attention to its execution. This targeted approach minimizes distractions and ensures that your efforts are channeled into the most impactful actions.

Applying the 90-90-1 Rule

Now that you understand the theory and magic behind the 90-90-1 Rule, let’s get practical and see how you can put it into action:

1. Choose Your Star Goal:

Pick a goal that excites you and makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning. It could be learning a new skill, writing a book, or improving your fitness. Make sure it’s something that brings a smile to your face.

2. Break It Down into Tiny Steps:

Big goals can be intimidating, like a giant puzzle. The 90-90-1 Rule helps you solve the puzzle by breaking it into smaller, manageable pieces. It’s like eating a big pizza – you take it one slice at a time.

3. Mark Your 90-Minute Time Slot:

Choose a specific time each day for your 90-minute goal session. Treat it like a date with your dream. Just as you wouldn’t skip a date with your best friend, don’t skip this either.

4. Create Your Distraction-Free Zone:

Find a quiet spot where you can focus without interruptions. Put away your phone, close those social media tabs – create a cozy nest for your goal work. This is your special place of productivity.

5. Keep a Progress Journal:

Get yourself a journal and jot down what you do during your 90-minute sessions. It’s like writing a story of your progress. When you look back, you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come.

6. Embrace Imperfections and Bounce Back:

Life isn’t always smooth sailing, and that’s okay. If you miss a day, don’t worry. The 90-90-1 Rule forgives slip-ups. Just jump right back in the next day, determined as ever.

Benefits of the 90-90-1 Rule

  • Consistency Is Your Key to Victory: Doing something every day helps create a routine. Studies have shown that routines can make it easier to stick to your goals. The 90-90-1 Rule helps you build a strong routine by encouraging you to commit daily.
  • Kick Away Procrastination: We all know that feeling of putting things off until later. The 90-90-1 Rule is your secret weapon against procrastination. Research has shown that once you start something, you’re more likely to finish it[^4^]. By committing to daily action, you conquer the urge to delay.
  • Habit Formation: Habits are formed through repetition and consistency. The 90-90-1 Rule trains your brain to turn your goal-related actions into habits. Think of it like brushing your teeth – you do it without even thinking because it’s a habit.
  • Celebrating Every Step: With the 90-90-1 Rule, you celebrate your progress every single day. Studies have shown that rewarding yourself can keep you motivated. By celebrating your achievements, no matter how small, you keep your enthusiasm alive.

Wrapping it Up

The 90-90-1 Rule is like a special tool that helps you set and reach your goals. It shows how being dedicated, not giving up, and taking clear steps can make your dreams real.

Following this rule means you take focused actions, one after another. It’s like building a big puzzle with small, careful pieces. Remember, success doesn’t happen in a flash. It’s like building something strong – you need to keep going, stay focused, and work hard bit by bit.

So, if you want to make your dreams come true, the 90-90-1 Rule can be your secret weapon. Stick with it, and you’ll see your hard work pay off!

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